Why Hydrogen?

Using hydrogen energy is ethical and responsible.

The Oncore Energy team believes residential, commercial, and government adoption of hydrogen fuel cell technology is the future of renewable energy. The next generation depends on the decisions we make today. We want to invite you to be a part of this vision.

Keeping the planet healthy for the next generation

Hydrogen is clean & abundant.

Hydrogen is a naturally occurring element that can be safely manufactured for use in energy production.

We use a process called electrolysis to create hydrogen. Water and electricity are combined to produce two elements: oxygen and hydrogen. This hydrogen can be bottled. There is no limit to the amount of hydrogen you can produce.

This bottled hydrogen is used as fuel in our Oncore Energy system. There is no combustion, making it 100% safe and clean.

Electrolyzer process illustrated
Electrolysis process uses electricity and water to produce oxygen and hydrogen

Hydrogen is safe.

A common question we get about hydrogen is: "is it safe?".

Yes, hydrogen is safe. It's actually safer than other forms of liquid or gas energy (like gasoline, propane, diesel, and natural gas). It is safe to both store and use.

Hydrogen is non-toxic.

We take all common safety precautions to ensure proper handling and use of hydrogen.

Why is hydrogen safer than other liquid or gas energy sources?

Hydrogen is safer than all other forms of liquid or gas energy. It is lighter than all other elements, meaning that in the event of a leak, the hydrogen escapes straight into the air and dissipates rapidly.

Fuels like gasoline, diesel, etc. are heavier than air, and they sink. This leads to a dangerous environment where even a spark could cause fires and explosions.

Having a tank of hydrogen near your home is safer than a tank of propane in the yard. According to a statement released by the Department of Energy, "a number of hydrogen's properties make it safer to handle and use than the fuels commonly used today".

Hydrogen is safe for homes
Hydrogen is safer than other forms of liquid or gas energy like gasoline, propane, diesel, and natural gas

Hydrogen stores energy better than batteries.

The traditional way to store power from alternative energy sources (such as solar and wind) is by using lithium-ion batteries. These heavy batteries only last between 3-5 years and must be disposed of through a heavily regulated process. It takes six high-capacity batteries to deliver four hours of energy to a small/midsize home - not nearly enough for the average family. Batteries are very limited, heavy, and expensive relative to the kW capacity.

Hydrogen is stored in pressurized tanks (similar to propane). This is a safe, environmentally friendly process. Hydrogen is stable when stored and does not degrade. The storage tanks used to house the hydrogen can last over 50+ years. A full hydrogen tank can run an average home for 40+ hours without refueling. These tanks can provide unlimited energy storage capacity - the only limit is the amount of tanks on your property!

How do I get a hydrogen fuel cell tank?

Hydrogen tanks are readily available to lease through a distributor. Oncore Energy will help get these tanks installed by a professional.

Battery vs Hydrogen tank storage of energy
Battery vs Hydrogen storage of energy

Hydrogen prevents waste/loss of energy from solar panels.

If you use alternative energy sources like solar panels or windmills - you likely have times when you produce more energy than you actually use. This energy is normally either wasted or given away nearly for free to utility companies.

We created a self-sustaining option to store/capture the extra energy produced by solar panels or windmills. This extra energy is converted to hydrogen fuel cells and can be used later. This process is called energy curtailment and is a huge step in reducing waste.

Bottom line: you can store and reuse any extra energy you produce.

Hydrogen allows for efficient solar energy curtailment (storage)

Hydrogen protects you from increased power costs.

Generating power from hydrogen is cost-effective. When you pair the Oncore Energy Gold system with existing solar panels or other alternative energy sources, the variable cost to produce hydrogen is negligible (as low as $0!)

In simple terms: you won't pay increasing amounts of money to produce increasing amounts of energy.

When grid power costs go up due to demand charges or general price inflation, you can insulate yourself from this by toggling off the grid at peak times. With a long term microgrid strategy, you can become energy independent and control your own costs.

You can control your own energy future and costs.

Cost of electricity vs hydrogen for power
Hydrogen protects you from increased power costs.